onsdag, september 11, 2013

August on Instagram I

I. August started off with me finding some damn expensive shorts to drool on.
II. And a cortado in the cutest espresso cups from Bodum.

III. I was also seriously considering going all grey because I love it, but as you know I went for brunette instead.
IV. It seemed like a crazy idea at first, but I realized that the lace under shorts was perfect beneath skirts. Specially pencil and other too-short skirts.

V. I bought new pillow cases for our pillows in the couch and I absolutely loved and still do love them.
VI. I bought my boyfriend beer for your taco dinner and put a butterfly sticker where I drew a heart on it.

VII. August weather, strangely September have been warmer!?!?
VIII. Still the past month brought many beautiful sunny days to Trondheim.

IX. I had to have a obligatory-when-you-have-a-coffee-machine iced coffee out in the sun.
X. I spent lovely days with N (and of course other friends).

XI. I touched the glacier for the first time, the Svartisen glacier. Ice Ice baby!
XII. More ice, it was magnificent!

XIII. I visited a dear friend and had a cup of coffee in lovely second hand cups!
XIV. I enjoyed a lovely weekend up north in Norway with family and M.

XV. I realised that my hair never intended on getting straight again no matter how long it got. When I was a child my hair was naturally straight, look at it now - Love it!
XVI. And I tried to putt all of my hair into my donut ring and realized I needed to buy a bigger one!

X X O X X   ( [ ]  u [ ] ) y ~

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