lørdag, april 06, 2013

Leaving Winter Wonderland

Yes, I am leaving winter wonderland up north in Norway for this time any moment soon. It is bittersweet. Because I am leaving to go to Trondheim for 3 days, just to prepare to return to UK. After Christmas it was okay to return to UK, this time it isn't. I don't want to go back. I want to stay.

I probably have this feeling because just in 2 months time I will be back in Norway, and a part of me can't see the point in going away from everything I love and enjoy for just two months. But my head is telling me otherwise. I have to. I have a bachelor to finish, I have stuff to do.

So another part of me is panicking because it feels like I haven't worked as much as I planned to do. But I know that I am not working 24/7 because I know I will finish this in time. I know I rather work like a maniac for the the last month than work like a maniac during Easter break. I did need to slow down a bit. But now it is time to pick up the speed!

In about 2 moths I will be back permanently - That is motivation indeed ;)
As for the style challenge I'll be back stronger tomorrow :)

X X O X X  ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~ 

2 kommentarer:

Gjerne legg igjen en kommentar her! ;)