mandag, april 08, 2013

Going Wireless

I simply had to try out the wireless remote system for my camera, I am quite excited about it. It will make it so much easier to take proper and more relaxed pictures. No more running back and forth. No more wondering if I am in focus. Not worrying about that anymore makes it easier to relax on pictures. I am very much satisfied :)

Besides that it has been a very nice day. Spent the morning with M, then went to the city with N. We wandered around for a bit and tested out a new cafe, Wayne's Coffee. Quite nice. After that I went home to tidy up a bit and got a visit of V. We ate pizza and talked about everything that popped up. 

Also go to say I love referring to my man and my friends by their initials :)

X X O X X  ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~

2 kommentarer:

  1. Herlig antrekk du hadd i dag Synnøve :) flotte bilder! Høres ut som du har hatt en flott dag og jeg stor koste meg i dag :D gleder meg til flere slike kvelder når du kommer tilbake <3

    1. Tusen takk for det søta ;D jeg hadde en kjempet dag! Og gleder meg til å kunne gjøre sånt oftere :)


Gjerne legg igjen en kommentar her! ;)