onsdag, april 10, 2013

Cambridge II

Of course it was more tempting to blog about Norway when I was there. So I left that promised update about our Cambridge trip hanging. I am sorry for that. Now that I am in UK again I think it is about time to post the second part!

I left it at Fitzwilliam Museum last time. Sadly we wheren't allowed to take pictures inside, except for in the entrance. SAD, because the baroque/roman interior inside was amazing - AMAZING. And the exhibition was impressive. I especially loved the old egyptian part. 

Afterwards we walked up the road because the most known colleges was along it. We first arrived at a small one called Petershouse. Then we wandered to Kings College (I believe), which where closed to visitors. So we had to admire the beauty from the outside. 

Ready to enter Fitzwilliam Museum~!
The amazing dome ceiling inside the entrance.
Happy girls~
Peterhouse college!
Curious Shirley
The backyard or... small garden?
Cute girls and amazing old building :)
Entering the back garden~
Which seemed quite ... exotic? 
Leaving Peterhouse college
King's College! Such amazing architecture.
Safe to say it must be astonishing inside :)

XXOXX ([]u[])y~

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