mandag, april 01, 2013

At dusk we see...

A sunday a week ago I lured M out on a walk with me, because I needed some air. I got a few moments of daylights before it slowed turned into dusk and darkness. I was snapping pictures until it just got to dark to see anything - though the lens. The walk got much longer than planned because M wanted to go over the hospital bridge, which soon appeared to be a lot further than the memories of it. I followed happily having no clue how far it was. It was a nice walk. A small but long walk immortalized by pictures. 

Can you spot the river? Almost hidden by the reflection of the city.
Beautiful scenery
We where accompanied by the moon.
Getting darker and darker, and harder to take pictures.
To dark to catch the duck
Bridge to the other side....
Ducks~ Which I  first thought was rocks..... ehem.
Walking walking walking....
Trondheim at dusk <3

XXOXX ([]u[])y~ 

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