torsdag, april 04, 2013

Challenge: Style detail #1

I had a wonderful chat with a dear friend about blogging, and we where giving each other ideas about what to blog about. During that conversation I got this idea of a challenge for myself. Last year when I realised my blog was only about my outfits I challenged myself to take pictures of something else every day and post it. This year I got the opposite problem, my blog is about everything else than my style and my passion for expressing myself though clothes. So I am reversing the challenge. 

I am challenging myself to take pictures related to my style and post it... Almost everyday. I am saying almost everyday because due to university and work load I know I wont be able to do so every day. And it might be photos of a lip stick, something I bought last week or yesterday, or a favourite piece of clothing. Basically anything from my closet or stuff that I have that is related to my style. And it may have a lot of text and rambling, or no text at all. What do you think?

So, here is challenge #1:

I got this gloves from the same dear friend I mentioned above. I must say I was quite surprised when she said "I got a gift for you" followed by pulling these up from her bag. She was dissatisfied by how they fitted on the hands, and knew how much I liked them. And I wasn't going to say no. I love these babies. I am not a glove shopper, is not a typical item for me to get. But I still love a good pair of chic and stylish gloves. 

XXOXX ([]u[])y~ 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Blir artig å følge med bloggen din fremover hvis du skal gjøre litt endringer hehe :) de hanskene var jo rå kule :D

    1. Ja, jeg har jo lyst å få litt av den gamle bloggingen tibake :) og gjøre den litt mer til en stil dagbok, men samtidig fortsette med det litt personlige :)

      Og takk for det, de hanskene er lekkre! Ikke noe man kan gå med på et lite tettsted uten å bli beglodd, så skal bli gøy å bruke dem i Trondheim :D


Gjerne legg igjen en kommentar her! ;)