lørdag, mars 09, 2013

The Mountain t-shirts~

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday so far~! I just came over Asos post about these t-shirt on facebook, and just had to share them. The Mountain is an American brand and you can read more about their t-shirt and see the whole collection at Asos here. I picked the four shirts that stod out to me the most~

1. Pug // 2. Orangutan

I am not sure which one I want the most out of the pug and the blue bird, maybe the blue bird? I already have so much on my shopping list! What about you?

(this is not advertising, this is just me loving the t-shirts~)

X X O X X   ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~ 

1 kommentar:

  1. Nice Polo with small pony. Good Quality and the sizing medium is perfect for me.

    Men Polos company


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