Between fevers and sleeps I have been trying to edit pictures from the Manchester trip all day. Took me a while but I finally have 20 pictures to share on the first part out of three from Manchester. It was a lovely sunny Saturday, and me and Shirley started the day by buying food and coffee before walking through china town to Manchester Art Gallery. I love how Manchester is a mix between modern and historic architecture.
To enter the Manchester Art gallery was free, and they had a very good exhibition. If you're ever there you should pop by their featured artist exhibition~!
Now feverish me is going to try and eat some more and probably fall in and out if sleep thought-out the night. How is it that you always get sick at the worst time? A part of me actually wish I had more fever so I wont be able to think about all the work I am not able to do right now... Oh well, I'll survive :D
X X O X X ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~
Så fint det ser ut! Jeg skal til Manchester i to dager i påska og gleder meg mye :)
SvarSlettKult at det også er Chinatown der!
Hei! Så koselig å få kommentar på nybloggen, du er faktisk den første! ;)
SlettManchester er helt nyyydelig, og det er så synd at vi får bare 5 timer på oss på å utforske på turene universitetet arrangerer. Mancherster er definitivt en by å se fram til å besøke :D