onsdag, mars 13, 2013

Early mornings, late nights

Slowly realising there is not much time left, and having panics attacks after listening to teachers telling us to come in at 8AM and stay till 8PM - kind of describes the day so far.
Not that I have any problem with that. But it still scared me to pull 12 hours days for 2 months.

This also means that it will be harder for me to produce good quality post with SLR camera photos ect. That's why I'm glad I found BlogPress and Pixlromatic. The last one allows me to edit pictures and the first one lets me blog from the phone. It cost some but it lets me format my post so it is worth it.

Blogging from the phone has an advantage, as I snap a lot of photos with my phone. I can easily update about my day this way. So the pictured in this post is from yesterday and today, showing what I am currently doing. Planing model making and doing technical specification.

(for some reasons the pictures become incredible small for some reason, which doesn't happen with instagram pictures ect... I will figure this out later as I have to do some serious work before going home tonight! )

Hope everybody is having a good Wednesday~
X X O X X ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.

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