For some reason my iPhone has become my main camera. It is always there when I want to take a photo of something. That is just how it has turned out, since I can't bother to bring my DSLR everywhere or to keep its batteries charges at all time. Needless to say, I have a lot of moments and pictures that are totally unblogged. Thought I would break that by starting doing some unblogged series. First out is September through my iPhone.
Av en eller annen grunn har iPhonen blitt mitt hoved kamera. Det er bare altid innen rekkevidde når jeg vil ta bilde av noe. Og sånn har det da altså bare blitt siden jeg ikke orker bryet med å ta med meg speilrefefleks kameraet over alt eller holde batteriene oppladdet til en hver tid. Og jeg har uendelig med øyeblokk og bilder som aldri har blitt blogget før. Det tenkte jeg å gjøre noe med ved å lage en litten blogg serie kaldt "unblogged". Første post ut er September igjennom iPhonen.
I enjoyed evenings and mornings in my boyfriends oversized sweaters and hoodies.
I babysatt the cuuuutes puddle ever, Vinni, who matched our carpet perfectly.
I enjoyed last days of warm kisses from the sun.
And I spent dark nights walking home from pleasant visits to friends.
I borrowed a book to find forgotten secrets, mind due that the tittle is a little misleading.
I put the dream of grey ash blond hair behind me and decided to become a brunette.
And I was very happy with the choice.
I had a unsuccessful work interview.
I bought the biggest hair donut I could find so I could do this big hair bun style.
I fell in love with this girl and her YouTube account, clothesencounters.
Through her I learnt about Deandri and fell in love with these Helga's.
I bought a beanie with the word "swag" on and I loved it. Still do.
I think I made pizza with my boyfriend almost every weekend.
And he took my phone and snapped a picture of me when I fell asleep on the couch.
I ate fresh pineapple. A lot of it.
And enjoyed lazy days wearing this beanie and my favourite sporty tunic-sweater.
I admired the delicate view over the city as I walked to pay my friend a visit.
I got lovely baby pink carnations from M.
I drank tea at my sisters place.
and spent lazy moments in bed with M when the weather got colder.
Whenever I visited my dear friend V I got to play with Vinni the Puddle.
Starbucks opened in Trondheim and I visited it of course.
I fell hard in love with the look of leather tights and big knitted sweaters.
I spent many many evenings cuddling up on the couch wearing the big knitted sweater.
And I bought a cup of Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks.
X X O X X ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~
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