1. Been searching forever after a sporty looking long top, surprisingly found it at Primark.
2. when I saw these I knew I had to have one. In love with the reusable and recyclable take-away look-a-like tumbler.
3. I am the kind of girl who has to wear new buys instantly the day after, love to match this top with fake leather leggings.
4. Another new buy: coolest crop top in the closet right now! Also from Primark :)

5. Only summer dress bought this year so far, a cut-out stripy one. Love it~
6. Finalising work with putting people in, if you can spot them!
7. Nothing like a sunny Saturday in Birmingham with Shirley:)
8. And eating my favourite Bento box at Ocean Dragon~

9. Lovely sunny day in Wolverhampton spent in the West park with Ali~
10. Weighting up grey&rainy weather with being colourful :)
11. Going to sleep with a purring cat, love the Sleep Sounds app. It is just to put on whatever that relaxes you :3
12. New favourite hairstyle at the moment, probably going to be the most used one this summer :)

13. Business cards ordered from Moo - glossy glossy~
14. Got my first Graze box - natural snack delivered in the mail.
15. Look at the gorgeous snacks!
16. Right before the degree show kick off :)

17. Cute kitty on the roof top - view from my window ;3
18. New addiction, who ever decided to make chocolate with peanut butter inside is a genius!
19. Just love the fact that if you are carving chocolate what you really want is Magnesium.
20. Coffee foam <3
X X O X X ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~
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