onsdag, august 21, 2013

Up to the glacier we go! pt. I

At the weekend of 8th-12th of August M & I went up to my parents place, my home place, up north in Norway. This was a weekend we both looked very forward to, as my sister and her french boyfriend was there too. And M hadn't yet meet them - so it was about time :)

Vi travelled by plane Thursday night, and we truly had the weather gods on our side because the next day's weather was perfect for hiking. Which we took advantage of with taking a boat over the fjords and hiked up to the famous glacier - Svartisen. Even I who is from the place hadn't yet been so close to the glacier that I had ever touched it. It was absolutely amazing! Absolutely amazing was also the landscape around, incredible nature, shapes and colour play! Quite impossible to not get good shots from there. So here are some pics from the hike up to the glacier~!

FYI: if you click on the first pictures you can look at the pictures without scrolling downwards :)

Helgen 8.-12. August pakket jeg og M kofferten og reiste oppover til mamma og pappa, min hjemplass, oppe i nord-norge. Vi hadde sett veldig frem til denne helgen siden søster og hennes franske kjæreste var der, som M enda ikke hadde fått hilst på - så det var på tide! 

Vi reiste med fly torsdag kveld, og hadde værgudene på vår side for dagen etter ble det fantastisk turvær. Som vi benyttet ved å ta båt over fjorden og gå opp til Svartisen for å ta på den. Selv jeg som kommer der i fra hadde enda ikke vært så nær isen at jeg hadde tatt på den! Det var helt fantastisk. Og helt fantastisk var også landskapet rundt,  utrolig natur, former og fargespill. Helt umulig å ikke få fine bilder derfra. Så her er et lite bilde dryss på turen opp~!

Disclaimer: Some of these pictures have been taken by my talented sister or my Mum! Mostly pictures with me or me&M in :)

X X O X X  ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~ 

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