After a few weeks of hiatus Instagram post has just been piling up. So since I have decided I still want to post them, I just have to keep 'em coming in between other updates. Will I ever get up to date? These are from late March and early April. Exactly from when I travelled home from Easter break.
Feels kind of ironic, I want nothing more than to travel home, I am home sick. More than ever, because I know 10th of June is sooooo close. (other post that is piling up is the last Cambridge photos, they will come!)

X X O X X ( [ ] u [ ] ) y ~
ååh, gleder meg så mye til du kommer til Trondheim <3 vi skal stor kose oss og ta masse bilder sammen hihi^^ herlige bilder fra instagram ;)
SvarSlettTusen takk, snuppa~! Jeg gleder meeeeg, 19 dager til hjemresie! <3