1. Wolverhampton in late January. It is when I'm walking outside, feeling the cold wind on my cheeks I feel the most alive. No weather will stop me from being and feeling alive.
2. Feet on tiles~ I am very grateful for every unique day I get. There is no need to stress life away, did you know that stressing is really bad for your brain?
3. Happy face ^^
4. In Wolverhampton summer never went away, back in January the leafs and grass still where green from last year.
5. Reverse it, t-shirt over shirt!
6. Rings in many forms <3
7. Whenever I wear my elephant ring I end up doing this.
8. The reverse outfit~
9. Love this combination, black bow, bullet necklace, military jacket and beige jeans :)
10. Not having weights, step case, space or time isn't an excuse on this house.
11. The outfit :)
12. Made roasted nuts, one set of honey&cinnamon and another with herbs&garlic <3
13. Can you tell that I am a vegetarian? And love my fruits, veggies and nuts very much?
14. Played with the eyeliner, going up semi mid-eye instead of on the edge.
15. Looks better irl, but love the style~
16. Military print shorts & burgundy maxi-skirt purchased :)
XXOXX ([]u[])y~
Jeg har forresten presentert bloggen min på Bloggurat.
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